Potlakaya 1
Perugu(curd) 2cup Chillies 3 Curry leaves Red chillies
chana dal 1 spoon
Urd dal 1spoon
Vegetable oil 2 spoons
Mustard and cumin 2spoons
Turmaric powder 1/4 spoon
Procedure:Cut the potlakaya like circles.Put them in microwave for 5 to 6 min.till it well cooked.Keep
it aside to cool. Cut the chillies into small pieces and smash the garlic .Take curd into a bowl and add salt and termeric
powder, mix well.
Heat the oil in a small pan and add chana dal ,urd dal, mustard and cumin.Fry them well,now add garlic,stir it
welland add curry leaves.Add this popu to curd and mix well.Ready, and very simple.
It goes well with rice and chapati.
Serving Size: